Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight

Cardio Fitness
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While strength training is vital to burn more calories at rest and boost your metabolism, if you want to shed pounds, you also need to do cardio. Cardio exercises to lose weight have to be taken seriously into your exercise regime as it serves many health benefits and leads you to improved health and wellbeing.

8 Best Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight 

Rather than spending more on gym equipment, you can look out for ways of doing cardio exercises for weight loss as this makes the process of losing weight much more fun.Some of the cardio form of exercises include:


Walking is simple, convenient and a low-impact cardio activity to lose weight keeping an individual active and fit by strengthening muscles and bones. To make walking effective for weight loss, it is essential to increase the pace. Fast walking or brisk walking for 30 minutes can be the best. 

It prevents an individual from several medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, you can go hiking or walk on a treadmill during the mornings or evenings.

Climbing Stairs

Climbing stairs is amongst the popular forms of cardio exercises to lose weight. This involves using the entire body in lifting the legs with every step, to strengthen your core muscles and legs.

So, consider taking the stairs instead of using an elevator.It will also very helpfull to reduce your belly fat. An individual can do this exercise by climbing about 30 flights of stairs to burn 500 calories.

The most ideal way to make it happen:

  • “Take a stab at consolidating 90% or more exertion on the step climber for 30 seconds with a one-to two-minute ‘dynamic recuperation,’ like a rancher conveying medium-weight portable weights or free weights to integrate chest area and center strength,” says Ryan.
  • Doing 10-15 gathers of this exercise will zest together your exercise way over the ordinary scope of calories consumed.
Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight 2


These low-impact cardio exercises to lose weight strengthens the leg muscle and improves heart health. In addition, outdoor cycling can aid an individual in burning calories. And if a person is uncomfortable cycling outdoors, he/she can invest in an indoor bicycle. 

It also improves blood circulation and also an individual can burn about 300 calories by investing 60 minutes in cycling.

The most ideal way to make it happen:

  • Doing spans on an exercise bike is an extraordinary method for expanding your calorie consume in least time.
  • Save the power extremely high on the spans for several minutes, then delayed down briefly or somewhere in the vicinity, constantly rehashing these stretches


Swimming is also one of the cardio exercises to lose weight as it affects the entire body. While swimming, one can remain afloat or break out of the water, which forces the whole body to react. 

Depending upon the location of the pool, you can perform this exercise during the mornings or evenings. One can spend 15 to 20 minutes by taking swimming sessions everyday in the initial stage and eventually increase this duration to 30 minutes for making the cardio effective.

DayIntensityLengthSample Workout
MondayHigh Intensity20-30 minSprint interval HIIT workout
TuesdayModerate Intensity45-60 minBrisk walking or jogging
WednesdayLow to moderate intensityAll dayUse a pedometer and try to get 10,000 steps
ThursdayModerate to high intensity30-60 minTreadmill workout
FridayModerate Intensity30-45 minCardio endurance intervals
SaturdayLow to moderate intensity30-60 minWalking or a long bike ride
SundayRestAll dayNone

The most ideal way to make it happen:

  • A simple method for consuming calories in the water is to stay afloat just.
  • You can do a couple of laps, then have a water-stepping span, then, at that point, rehash.
  • On the off chance that you’re ready to swim at an undeniable level, swim as quick as possible as far as might be feasible.
  • In the event that you’re not a particularly impressive swimmer, then do swimming stretches: Swim as quick as possible down the length of the pool and back, then swim more slow for a similar distance.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a part of the cardio exercises or plyometric workout to lose weight. It increases the heartbeat leading to reduction of the calories significantly. In addition, jumping ropes can be a fun way to break the monotony while working out. 

Including split jumps, box jumps, and jumping jacks for 20 minutes into his or her morning or evening routine can make this cardio more effective by burning about 200 calories per day.

The most ideal way to make it happen:

  • While very few people can jump rope for 30 minutes straight, it’s best to do intervals of fast and slow jumps to keep you going.
  • Can’t do that very well? Jump as fast as you can for one minute, then rest for 20-30 seconds. Repeat until you’re done.
  • If you’re a frequent traveler, throw a jump rope in your suitcase for a great workout without ever having to leave the hotel room.


A kettlebell is used to perform higher intensity cardio exercises to lose weight in an effective way. It combines strength training with cardio by using the canon-shaped ball. 

Furthermore, kettlebell training supports an individual’s cardiovascular endurance while enhancing muscle strength, body balance, and flexibility. This can be done during the mornings or evenings where 100 kettlebell swings can burn an approximate count of 100 calories.

The most ideal way to make it happen:

  • In the event that you can do a specific development for 40-50 reps, chances are your portable weight isn’t sufficiently weighty. Try not to go excessively light, and don’t go too weighty all things considered.
  • Probably the most effective ways to do a portable weight exercise to expand calorie consuming is to do a development for 30-40 seconds, rest for 20-30 seconds, then recurrent the development or cycle through a few developments.
  • Set your clock for 30 minutes and perceive the number of rounds you that can get.


This is one of the best cardio exercises to lose weight as it combines jumps, push ups and squats. In this, an individual has to involve all the body parts to perform burpees. 

Besides that, the muscle groups in one’s chest, legs, and core are trained in the process. An individual needs to perform 100 burpees to burn around 50 calories.


This form of cardio exercises to lose weight requires a maximum effort for an individual as it involves a quick and intense set of exercises with a short recovery period. Unlike regular exercises, a person needs to work hard for 20-30 seconds by having 10-20 seconds of rest interval in between. 

The high-intensity interval training (HIIT) trains the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems of the entire body and also improves the cardiovascular fitness level. Spend 20-30 minutes during the morning or evening to burn calories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which cardio burns the most fat?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is considered one of the most effective cardio exercises to lose weight. This involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or low-intensity activity. HIIT can help boost metabolism and burn calories for hours after the workout, leading to increased fat loss besides shedding pounds of weight.

What is the best cardio exercise to reduce weight?

The best cardio exercises to lose weight is one that you enjoy and can do consistently. Some effective options include running, cycling, swimming, rowing, and brisk walking. Incorporating high-intensity intervals can also help increase calorie burn and accelerate weight loss. It’s important to combine cardio with a healthy diet and strength training for optimal results.

What exercise burns the most belly fat?

There are no specific cardio exercises to lose weight or target on belly fat exclusively. However, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training, particularly compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups, can help burn overall body fat, including belly fat. Additionally, a healthy diet and overall calorie deficit are crucial for reducing belly fat.


Cardio practice is a simple and viable method for getting in shape economically. It doesn’t need broad gear, and one can without much of a stretch save exercise and preparing related use. Cardio exercises are appropriate for the people who love to resolve outside and the individuals who favor practicing inside their homes. With consistency and a smart dieting plan, cardio activities can assist all kinds of people with accomplishing their drawn out wellbeing objectives.

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