Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight

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8 Best cardio exercises to lose weight

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Rather than spending more on gym equipment, look out for ways of doing cardio for weight loss as this makes the process of losing weight much more fun.  Some of them include: – Walking – Climbing Stairs – Cycling – Swimming – Jumping rope – Burpees – Kettlebell – HIIT

Walking – a low-impact cardio activity

To make walking effective for weight loss, it is essential to increase the pace. Fast walking or brisk walking for 30 minutes can be the best.  Walking prevents several medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Climbing stairs involves using the entire body in lifting the legs with every step, to strengthen your core muscles and legs.  An individual can do this exercise by climbing about 30 flights of stairs to burn 500 calories.

Climbing stairs – a popular cardio form


Climbing stairs – a popular cardio form

Climbing stairs involves using the entire body in lifting the legs with every step, to strengthen your core muscles and legs. An individual can do this exercise by climbing about 30 flights of stairs to burn 500 calories.


Cycling strengthens the leg muscles and improves heart health.  In addition, outdoor cycling can aid an individual in burning calories.  And if a person is uncomfortable cycling outdoors, he/she can invest in an indoor bicycle.

Cycling aid in burning calories

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Cycling strengthens the leg muscles and improves heart health.  In addition, outdoor cycling can aid an individual in burning calories. and if a person is uncomfortable cycling outdoors, he/she can invest in an indoor bicycle. Consume more of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, etc.

Having fibrous fruits, green veggies


While swimming, remain afloat or break out of the water, which forces the whole body to react.  Spend 15 - 20 minutes by taking swimming sessions every day in the initial stage and eventually increase to 30 minutes making the cardio effective.

How is swimming effective?


Jumping rope is a part of plyometric workout to lose weight.  It increases the heartbeat leading to reduction of the calories significantly.  In addition, jumping ropes break the monotony while working out, burning about 200 calories per day.

Jumping rope - a plyometric workout


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